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My Cosmic Origin & Reason for Being

Sun, 16 Oct



Find purpose and reason for your life as a Star Being incarnated in human form and why you are here at this time.

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My Cosmic Origin & Reason for Being
My Cosmic Origin & Reason for Being

Time & Location

16 Oct 2022, 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm AEST

Paddington, 29 Latrobe Terrace, Paddington QLD 4064, Australia

About the Event

For Women 16yrs and older.

  • Are you wanting to understand and inner-stand your reason for being?
  • Do you seek a sense of worth as an individual?
  • Is there a greater calling beckoning to you?

Then it’s time for your to REMEMBER the truth of where you have come from and what is your reason for being on earth right now.

Overview of Unit: There are subtle indicators that can help us connect to the true path  and purpose for this life we are journeying through. Our birth date,  numerology numbers, passions and our astrological signs give insight  into our destiny, personality traits, and potential, which can link us  to various careers, skill sets and how/what we contribute to the world.  These were explored through in my last workshop- “Who Am I and Why Am I  Here?”

Next we delve deeper into our Soul Purpose Plan and our Cosmic Origins-  who you were before your human incarnations on Earth and why you have  incarnated here now. You have been drawn to these topics because you are an Old Soul (who was birthed way before the formation of Planet Earth), so you know  you originally have come from somewhere else- another realm, dimension,  another planet, galaxy or even another universe.

In this Soul-Remembrance unit, you will explore the various Galactic races and how you relate to them as your ancestors.  The differing galactic races are incarnate on our earth now, all  authentically and originally contributing to life here, so how does your  galactic origin reflect in why you are here?

We also investigate how balance between your talents,  what the world needs, what you love to do and what you can get paid for,  can enable you to realise your reason for being- why  you are having this life experience. Over eons of time you have explored  new experiences, gathered new skill sets and activated the wisdom of  the Divine Source within, so how is this wanting to be expressed in your life, and why are you here now to do this?

This is such invaluable wisdom to attain for  one’s self and can be pivotal in refocusing and redirecting the course  of your life.

Don’t deny yourself such powerful self-awareness!


  1. There will be a brief overview of the last unit’s content- information about who we are as spiritual beings and why we are here.
  2. During the first half of the session Donna will teach you about  “Ikigai” which is a Japanese concept that determines your “reason for  being”. It gives you an awareness of self that can be integrated into  lifestyle and motivations for living, which in turn promotes inner  peace, contentment, fulfillment and productivity.
  3. You will complete an exercise to find your Ikigai.
  4. A short break will be followed by the afternoon session where Donna  will take you through a brief and basic history of our galactic origins  and why we need to reconnect with our star families at this point in  time.
  5. Donna will then facilitate a meditative journey for you to meet and  be greeted by your galactic family, giving you greater awareness of your  cosmic origins.
  6. Discussion and question time will follow, and the session will complete.

*Please arrive before the starting time, as late entries will not be allowed in. **Bring a notebook and pen, along with a pillow/chair to sit on and a blanket or shawl for the meditation. ***Tea/coffee and treats included.

I look forward to meeting and sharing with you, Donna


  • Self Discovery Session

    Includes Tea/coffee and treats

    Sale ended



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