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Key Note Speaking

Once you remember the truth of who you are as a Divine Being, you will never deny, insult, question, doubt, fear, regret or berate yourself ever again.

Discover the 6 Illusions of Life

Donna Storey

Key Note Speaker

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I present Key Note Speeches based on my book 'The Soul of Myself' as well as presentations designed to your event or theme.

Remember who you are, and live a magnificent life

You are blessed to be living in a time when there are many people who are educating and awakening us to our potential. 


They teach you that:


  • you deserve to be happy,

  • you can have what we desire,

  • you are powerful,

  • you can be successful and create abundance,

  • you are beautiful and loved,

  • you can be free and unlimited,

  • you are amazing.


All of this is true, yet how can this be? 


Some individuals look in the mirror and just see a human full of faults and frailties, and it can be difficult to accept and believe that the above statements are true.


Let me share with you what that mirror is reflecting that you don’t see.


The soul of you that existed before your physical body was conceived. 


Once you remember the truth of who you are as a Divine Being, you will never deny, insult, question, doubt, fear, regret or berate yourself ever again. 


You will embrace and embody your magnificence and be free to create and manifest the life you desire.


My Keynote Speech"Discover the 10 Illusions of Life", I break down the main lessons from my book, “The Soul of Myself”, where I walk you through the illusions that currently hold you back or block you from living a life worthy of your Divinity. 


I present the Truths of your Existence so you can consciously recall what your Soul already knows. 


It’s time to awaken to the bigger picture of who you are and why you are here so you can fulfil your life’s purpose without limitations or confusion.  


You will have no choice other than to live a magnificent life.



I will be your guide on your journey to transformation.

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